Genuine Curiosity

Author Dwayne Melancon is always on the lookout for new things to learn. An ecclectic collection of postings on personal productivity, travel, good books, gadgets, leadership & management, and many other things.


The polyphasic voyeur

If you haven't been keeping up with Polyphasic Pavlina, you may not know about polyphasic sleep. I wrote a bit about it earlier, if you want to catch up.

Well, today, I saw a post from Steve about Polyphasic Mutants, and it reminded me of an email thread Bren Connelly, Skip Angel, Lisa Haneberg, and I exchanged the other day. We somehow ended up talking about "polyphasic porn”, “sexy management”, and other things that would draw the kind of attention that Steve’s wakeful lifestyle have received to date. That conversation got me thinking.


First, lets settle on the definition of polyphasic, courtesy of (poly·pha·sic) (pol²e-fa¢zik) having or existing in many phases. With that in mind, I will try to describe other polyphasic activities that Steve might be able to investigate for us in the future:

Outlandish Polyphasic Definitions
polyphasic management3-4 hour blocks of micromanagement interrupted by short periods of inattention. This is in contrast to many traditional (monophasic?) management styles which utilize 3-4 hour blocks of inattention, interrupted by short periods of micromanagement.
polyphasic employmentA technique that enables polyphasic sleepers to “double dip” or “triple dip” by holding 2 or 3 full time jobs at a time, and still work 40-hour weeks at each of them. If you sleep polyphasically and only have one job, you should be a doctor or a taxi driver. See “polyphasic porn.”
polyphasic pornWhen combined with polyphasic employment, this enables one person to run a successful 24-hour phone sex business.

OK, so it’s a little ridiculous. I am amused by how much voyeuristic interest Steve’s polyphasic experiment has drawn, particularly the people who (apparently) are trying to get him to stop. I think a lot of people are just jealous that he is able to stick with it (I know I am). Besides, he lives in Vegas - what could be more fitting in a 24-hour city?

Hats off to you, Steve - and I look forward to your next boundary-expanding experiment.

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