I’ve been traveling a lot lately with less time online than usual, so I’ve been suffering a bit of blog withdrawal. That includes posting, of course, but it also means I haven’t been able to keep up with my usual blog haunts. Well, I’ve spent some snippets of time remedying that over the last couple of days, and have found some pleasant surprises.
I found one of those “right there when you need it” posts on John Richardson’s blog. In his post “Follow The Leader,” he reminded me to take a look at the roadmap for my life and make sure it’s taking me where I want to end up. Powerful stuff.
- Skip reminded me of the differences between leaders and followers in a very crisp way.
- Matt has a great post on networking and meeting 3 new people each
day(oops - that's 3 new people each week - good catch, Matt!). - I was flattered to find that Genuine Curiosity was chosen by Phil Gerbyshak as one of his 5 must-read blogs if he were stranded on a desert island with Wi-Fi.
- Thanks, Phil! I don’t know how I could ever get the list down to 5 - maybe they’d let me use yours and take advantage of all the links you share.
- (By the way, if you don’t read Phil’s “Make It Great!” go try it out - he has some very inspiring things to share)
- Things are hopping at the 100 Bloggers project, with lots of new posts and additional authors. If you’re a blogger, and want to be part of the action and join 100 Bloggers now. Then add 100 Bloggers to your list of Technorati favorites.
- I’ve been asked to be a guest blogger on Troy Worman’s excellent “Orbit NOW!” blog next week - and I’m really looking forward to it.
There’s lots more to see on the way back in - take a look through your blogroll, or borrow mine. And, as Rosa always reminds me - sometimes it’s a good idea to get out of your RSS feed reader and visit the blogs live - you can find fun stuff in the sidebars.