If you're into self-improvement, you should definitely check out John Richardson's new project. It's called "MBA On The Run" and it is a cool recipe for simultaneous mental and physical improvement.
What's it all about? It's about getting an MBA-like education by listening to powerful business books in audio format, combined with another activity. In John's case, that's running, hence the "MBA On The Run" name - you can substitute other activities in place of running if that doesn't work for you. With my travel schedule, mine's more likely to be hacked into an "MBA On The Fly" program, for example.
The core:
- John will be listening to a series of management- and business-oriented audio books on his iPod over a period of time
- He'll provide the list as it unfolds, write up a book review when each is done, and provide other links that can be useful for one pursuing an "MBAor" (or whatever you want to call it).
You can find out about how various points of light converged to create this vision in John's mind, here.