Genuine Curiosity

Author Dwayne Melancon is always on the lookout for new things to learn. An ecclectic collection of postings on personal productivity, travel, good books, gadgets, leadership & management, and many other things.


The new MMOG: Massively multiplying online goodness

OK, I recently got added to Priscilla Palmer's expansive "Personal Development List," thanks to Ariane Benefit, who is also on the list. The list is kinda like a chain letter or something, where once you get added, you're supposed to re-post the list, add 5 more sites to the list, and do a trackback back to the original list.

I'm going to do it a little differently, just because the list is so long and I think Priscilla is doing a great job of maintaining the list.

So here are my 5 additions to the list (at this writing, they are not currently on the list, though they will be when it's updated):

  1. Lisa Haneberg of Management Craft
  2. Lori Grant and Debbie of Smart Lemming
  3. Stacy Brice of Virtualosophy
  4. Matt Cornell of Matt's Idea Blog
  5. Steve Grossman of Why I Failed

Start with these five treasures. Then, if you want to see the current version of the list in its entirety, please visit Priscilla's site. And if you're one of my 5 additions, feel free to add to the list, as well - my way or the "official" way. (If you don't, I don't think this is one of those "a bad thing will happen to you" sorts of things - don't sweat it, it's only karma ).

After the fold, you can see the list as it was when I posted this.

And these for those of you who speak Russian:

I'm always amazed and humbled by the company I'm privileged to keep in this online world.