My wife and I are having some remodeling done to make our house more hospitable for her father, who can no longer deal with stairs. We’ve had some excellent assistance from a contractor for “big stuff” like adding a shower on the ground floor.
In addition, we’re taking the opportunity to perform some other maintenance and updates, but are doing those ourselves to try to save some money. One of the projects was to repair or replace a pocket door in one of our rooms, and it wasn’t obvious to me just how to do the job.
In the process of researching the topic, I came across “Ron Hazelton’s HouseCalls” site. This is an excellent resource for do-it-yourself home repair jobs. I started with “How to Repair and Replace a Pocket Door,” but you can search the site and there are tons of relevant, practical tutorials from Ron.
Each one has very clear, step-by-step instructions (with pictures), tells you what tools you’ll need, and offers printable instructions. Most of the topics even include videos you can watch online to see how things ought to be done.
This resource is a real time saver and confidence builder. If you’ve got home repairs that you want to tackle on your own, check out Ron’s site.
What about you – any favorite DIY resources to share?