Genuine Curiosity

Author Dwayne Melancon is always on the lookout for new things to learn. An ecclectic collection of postings on personal productivity, travel, good books, gadgets, leadership & management, and many other things.


A few new resources to share

Here are a few items I've found or found out about recently that I thought would be interesting to you:

New "Feedables" feed on Efficiency

Feedables is an RSS aggregation service I really like. I have been following their "Gadgets Feed" for a while, and really like it. I just found out they have added an Efficiency feeds page. Good stuff - check it out.

5x5: Five Things for Five Minutes

An oldie but a goodie, rediscovered. Tim Milburn's "5x5 Worksheets" are an awesome approach to getting more done in 5 minutes than most people do all day. I'm glad Tim's teaching people - he's got the knack.

Wrike is better than before

I have written about Wrike as a GTD application before. It's good for group collaboration and project management. They've recently added time tracking for tasks, among a number of other useful features. The time tracking is great for time auditing. Wrike is also a good, low cost alternative to products like Groove.