Genuine Curiosity

Author Dwayne Melancon is always on the lookout for new things to learn. An ecclectic collection of postings on personal productivity, travel, good books, gadgets, leadership & management, and many other things.


How about a Trackberry?

A while back I wrote about SameCell as a way to find out when you're near your friends, and SameCell's addition of a FaceBook app. The folks at SameCell have been steadily improving their service (I use it all the time and I like it) and have recently added a new twist. You see, they rely on cell tower locations to determine when you are close to other users. This can be a challenge when you're on different carriers or if you're bouncing off a cell tower that SameCell hasn't mapped yet.

To solve this problem, they've created a small mapping application for use on phones with GPS's (like my Blackberry 8310). The app "watches" the cells you connect to and correlates it with your GPS data to help SameCell build its database of cell towers and locations.

Money - for good or for yourself

What's in it for you? You could make a little money for yourself or your designated charity. SameCell tracks the new cells you've discovered and pays you a few cents for each unique one you've found.

The money may not be enough to change your life, but you'll certainly be helping improve their service (and, as an avid user, you'll improve my experience with that service). So, if you have a GPS in your phone, just click here in your mobile phone's browser to head over to SameCell (or navigate to, and start helping them map the wireless world.